Signs of Spring in Oaks Bottom
Brown Creeper Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon Honey Bee Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Western Screech Owl Western Screech Owl...
Nature Photographer and Music Producer
Brown Creeper Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon Honey Bee Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Western Screech Owl Western Screech Owl...
Spring is here and it is evident in the sights and sounds in Oaks Bottom. Here is a video compilation with my performance of J.S. Bach’s Arioso....
French Impressionist music is a genre of classical music that emerged in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is characterized by its use of unconventional harmonies, subtle tonal colors, and a focus on mood and atmosphere rather than traditional musical forms. The movement was heavily influenced by the visual arts, particularly the Impressionist movement in painting, and sought to capture the same sense of fleeting moments and sensory impressions in music. One of the most prominent composers of French Impressionist music
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I love playing and performing French impressionist music. In my upcoming documentary series, I will be exploring the relationship between music and nature as it is seen in music composition and improvisation. The soundtracks to this documentary will feature solo piano music that help represent and accentuate beautiful scenes in nature. French impressionistic music is a genre that emerged in the late 19th century and is characterized by its focus on mood and atmosphere rather than traditional musical structures. One of the key themes in
The cold harsh winter it is a very challenging time for the animals. Here a some of the winter warriors that I photographed in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge during one of Portland’s most extreme winter storms....
The song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a small, brown-streaked bird that is found throughout North America. It is a member of the Emberizidae family, which includes other sparrows, buntings, and towhees. The song sparrow is a common sight in backyards, parks, and other open areas. It is easily identified by its distinctive song, which is a series of short, musical trills. The song sparrow is a ground-dwelling bird, preferring to forage for food on the ground or in low vegetation. Its diet consists of insects,
I always enjoy photographing wildlife on Super Bowl Sunday. It is always very tranquil outside when everyone is inside glued to their screens. There is also a lot less traffic noise. Tl. While everyone was watching the Eagles play in the super bowl, I was watching them fly around in Oaks Bottom. I also got some great photos and videos of young bald eagle. This Eagle is about 3 years old. Immature bald eagles begin to show the white head and tail around 3.5 years.
Read MoreWatching The Eagles on Super Bowl Sunday
Screech owls are a species of small owl native to North America. They are known for their distinctive call, which is a loud, high-pitched trill that can be heard for miles. Screech owls are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. They are also highly adaptable, living in a variety of habitats from woodlands to urban areas. Screech owls are an important part of the ecosystem, as they help to control rodent populations. They also provide food for larger predators such as hawks and
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I have named this Great Blue Heron Harry. This Heron lets me get very close. This is not typical of most Great Blue Herons that tend to be skittish. I am providing the entire series in a dropbox folder. The great blue heron is a majestic bird that is found throughout North America. It is a large wading bird, with a wingspan of up to six feet, and a height of up to four feet. Its long neck and long legs make it a distinctive