My Photo Journal

I consider myself a photo journalist. My photo journals include images from the Oregon Coast, Wildlife Refuges, and parks. I am soon heading to Hawaii and I will be bringing my Fuji cameras. I am excited to photo journal this trip. Here are some recent pictures from Oaks Bottom and the Willamette River. Members can download this photo library....

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Bald Eagles in Sellwood Oregon

Bald Eagles in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge: A Symbol of Conservation and Ecological Restoration Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, located in Portland, Oregon, is a crucial habitat for a diverse range of wildlife. Among its inhabitants, the majestic bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have become a symbol of conservation success and ecological restoration efforts. This essay aims to explore the significance of bald eagles in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, highlighting their ecological role, conservation efforts, and the broader implications for biodiversity conservation. Ecological Role of Bald Eagles:

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Rainbow Duck Calendar

I am excited to have published a 2023 Calendar featuring my photos of wood ducks and mandarin ducks. Mandarin Ducks are considered one of the world’s most colorful birds. The Wood Ducks were photographed in Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden and Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge located in Portland Oregon. These ducks can truly be called Rainbow Ducks as they display all the vibrant colors of the rainbow. The title Rainbow Ducks came to me while I was photographing a Mandarin Duck in Happy Valley Park. I

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If Animals Could Talk

After viewing my photos, some people asked me “What do you think these animals were thinking?” Well I decided I would bring them to life with modern technology and my amateur voiceover skills. To support Jonathan’s efforts to continue to create and share more content like this, please consider becoming a member

Woodpeckers are Beautiful

There are many beautiful species of woodpeckers in Oregon. They can also be slightly annoying when they wake you up at 4 Am pounding on your gutter downspout. I have also extensive damage on the trim of my house. I have no hard feelings since they are just doing what they are programmed to do. They are also very beautiful creatures....

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Critters In My Back Yard

My backyard is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. I have planted native trees, ferns, grasses, clover, and flowers to attract birds, squirrels, cotton tail rabbits, chipmunks, butterflies, bees and other insects. I also have a bird fountain that is supplied with fresh water from a drip systems. Here are some images and a short video clip from my backyard....

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