The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Memories of my work in Neskowin

At the start of June, I took on a job doing some renovation and remodeling a beach house in Neskowin Oregon. After doing a few hours of work I started feeling sick and getting cold symptoms. I took a rapid test the next day and tested positive for covid. This was disappointing since I thought being vaccinated twice would help prevent severe covid symptoms. I spent the next 6 days in bed with full blown covid with continuous coughing and fever. My throat was so

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May Music Video

Here is some video footage of wildlife in Portland Oregon. The soundtrack to this video is a relaxing and meditative piano improvisation by Jonathan Swanson. For the highest quality video, select 1080 on the video player. If you have a slower internet you may have to select a smaller size video...

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About my Website

I have worked hard to make this website run fast and secure. This site runs on a virtual Linux machine on the Google Cloud Console. I use cloudflare video streaming to serve my videos. I also use cloudflare as a content delivery network for my images that are hosted on a google storage bucket. In addition I have my website files distributed by Cloudflare to make things faster and more secure. I also have firewalls and a variety of security measures to keep my site

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