I recently recorded with a group called the Out There Quartet. The project is an original jazz suite inspired by Hillsboro Public Art. The Music was composed by Dan Bosshardt and Joe Aloia. You can find more information about this project at Here are some of my latest photos from my piano studio.

February 2022 Photo Series

Here are my photos from the month February. We can find peace in nature. Here is some nature pictures for some inspiration to go out and experience nature. Here is a gallery of beautiful birds that you can find in Portland Oregon in the winter....

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Mallard Gallery

There is a thriving population of mallard ducks in Portland. There are many duck ponds that are protected and allow a safe habitat for these beautiful ducks. Male Mallards have feathers on their head that can change color. It can be green, blue, or purple depending on how the light hits it. This iridescence is caused by refraction of light waves. The feather structures split light into its component colors much like a prism. This can also be seen on the heads of male hummingbirds.

The Song Sparrow

Song Sparrows are beautiful but sometimes ignored by photographers because they lack the vibrant colors of other birds. They make up for their lack of flashy colors with their beautiful songs. I will sometimes record the song of s song sparrow on my phone. I will play back the recording and it will often attract the bird and allow me to get very close. This works with most song birds. Here is a series of song sparrow photos that I took today. I recorded it

Become an Affiliate

Why Become an affiliate for Firstly, you can earn some passive income. Secondly, you will become an ambassador to help promote the beauty of nature. I believe appreciation of nature is a prerequisite for conservation. Experiencing nature is a remedy for the ugliness of troubled times. It is easy and costs nothing to become an affiliate. To sign up, go to the affiliate area and fill out the form. After you submit your Information, you will get a referral link and QR code. As

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