Bald Eagle series from South Beach of Neskowin Oregon
Here is a series of bald eagle photos. This eagle is nesting on proposal rock in Neskowin Oregon....
Nature Photographer and Music Producer
Here is a series of bald eagle photos. This eagle is nesting on proposal rock in Neskowin Oregon....
Are you seeing delicate white butterflies fluttering around your garden lately? Chances are, they might be the charming cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) paying you a visit. I had a graceful cabbage white visit my garden and was able to capture some close up images. These beautiful insects are a common sight in many gardens and fields, and their presence can bring a touch of grace and beauty to your outdoor space. Cabbage white butterflies are known for their distinctive white wings with black markings
Read MoreThe Fascinating Cabbage White Butterfly: A Visitor to Your Garden
Here is a video compilation of Baby Screech owls in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge in Portland Oregon....
Praying mantises are considered beneficial insects for gardens because they eat many types of insect pests that can damage crops and plants. These pests include flies, beetles, moths, grasshoppers, crickets, and true bugs. By eating these pests, praying mantises help control their populations, which can prevent damage to plants and increase biodiversity. The 1/2-inch-long immature praying mantis nymphs resemble the adult, but they do not have wings. Colorless praying mantis nymphs emerge from the ootheca all at one time. During their first hour, they darken in color to
I spent a few days in Neskowin doing some work on an old beach house. I was carless with a carpet knife and sliced my finger. I also did some plumbing and installed a garbage disposal. I did find some time to get out and get some photos of local wildllife. Someday, I hope to focus on wildlife photography and music and hopefully have the resources to hire professionals to do my home maintenance rather than doing it all myself for my estate and all
Read MoreAnother Neskowin Adventure
I have created a multiple question quiz that will quiz you with up to 30 different birds.
Here is a classical choir paying homage to the small wonders of nature....
Here is a series of photos featuring the American Bushtit. These birds seem to never sit still. It makes it a challenge to photograph them....
Today was a beautiful day and it felt like Spring that officially starts on March 19. These scenes are from my walk around Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge in Portland Oregon....