Bird Quizes will be exhibited at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

We are happy to announce that OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) has accepted our submission in showcasing several new paintings by Grant Keltner. These painting incorporate Arduino LED technology. Interactive, projecting light, and visual images. We will also be showcasing an educational app highlighting Birds of Oaks Bottom. A monitor will be displayed allowing participants to see how well they know birds native to Oaks Bottom. The presentation introduces programming, technology science, engineering, art and math. Jonathan Swanson designed and programed the electronics

The Leaf Cutter Bee: An Ecological Marvel and Pollination Powerhouse

The Leaf Cutter Bee, belonging to the genus *Megachile*, is an important yet often overlooked pollinator in various ecosystems. Known for its remarkable nesting behavior and unique leaf-cutting abilities, this solitary bee species plays a critical role in pollination, particularly for flowering plants in temperate and tropical regions. This essay explores the biology, behavior, ecological significance, and conservation challenges of the Leaf Cutter Bee, highlighting its contributions to biodiversity and agricultural productivity. Biology and Behavior Leaf Cutter Bees exhibit fascinating biological traits that distinguish them

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The White-Crowned Sparrow in Neskowin, Oregon: A Guide to Spotting this Beautiful Bird

Neskowin, Oregon, is a haven for birdwatchers seeking to catch a glimpse of the stunning White-Crowned Sparrow. This distinctive bird, with its striking black and white striped crown, is a common sight in the Pacific Northwest region, including Neskowin. If you’re planning a birdwatching trip to Neskowin, here are some things you might want to know about the White-Crowned Sparrow. The White-Crowned Sparrow, scientifically known as Zonotrichia leucophrys, is a medium-sized sparrow that can be easily identified by its bold black and white stripes on

The Swainson’s Thrush and Its Beautiful Song: A Melodic Symphony of Nature

While in Neskowin Oregon, I was excited to get my first photos of the elusive Swainson’s Trush. They are very camoflauged birds and prefer staying out of sight. The Swainson’s Thrush, a small migratory songbird found in North America, is known for its enchanting and melodious song that graces the forests during the spring and summer months. With its flute-like notes and ethereal quality, the song of the Swainson’s Thrush is a true testament to the beauty of nature’s music. Scientifically known as Catharus ustulatus,

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The Fascinating Cabbage White Butterfly: A Visitor to Your Garden

Are you seeing delicate white butterflies fluttering around your garden lately? Chances are, they might be the charming cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) paying you a visit. I had a graceful cabbage white visit my garden and was able to capture some close up images. These beautiful insects are a common sight in many gardens and fields, and their presence can bring a touch of grace and beauty to your outdoor space. Cabbage white butterflies are known for their distinctive white wings with black markings

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Praying Mantis

Praying mantises are considered beneficial insects for gardens because they eat many types of insect pests that can damage crops and plants. These pests include flies, beetles, moths, grasshoppers, crickets, and true bugs. By eating these pests, praying mantises help control their populations, which can prevent damage to plants and increase biodiversity. The 1/2-inch-long immature praying mantis nymphs resemble the adult, but they do not have wings. Colorless praying mantis nymphs emerge from the ootheca all at one time. During their first hour, they darken in color to

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Another Neskowin Adventure

I spent a few days in Neskowin doing some work on an old beach house. I was carless with a carpet knife and sliced my finger. I also did some plumbing and installed a garbage disposal. I did find some time to get out and get some photos of local wildllife. Someday, I hope to focus on wildlife photography and music and hopefully have the resources to hire professionals to do my home maintenance rather than doing it all myself for my estate and all

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